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Мало того, что я перечитала "Правь морями" и читаю "20 000 лье". Тема меня не могла, как обычно, не захватить целиком и полностью.
Теперь вот - не отвязывается от меня песня "The Thresher" Окса, весь день едва сама не пою!
In Portsmouth town on the eastern shore
Where many a fine ship was born.
The Thresher was built
And the Thresher was launched
And the crew of the Thresher was sworn.
She was shaped like a tear
She was built like a shark
She was made to run fast and free.
And the builders shook their hands
And the builders shared their wine,
And thought that they had mastered the sea.
Yes, she'll always run silent
And she'll always run deep
Though the ocean has no pity
Though the waves will never weep
They'll never weep.
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А на улице ветер бросает в лицо колючую ледяную крошку. А мне нужно выйти, поехать на улицу Правды за учебниками. И опять я буду крутить по кругу две песни: The Tresher и The Men Behind The Guns.
А в восемь вечера - на генеральную репетицию куда-то на Древлянку...
Теперь вот - не отвязывается от меня песня "The Thresher" Окса, весь день едва сама не пою!
In Portsmouth town on the eastern shore
Where many a fine ship was born.
The Thresher was built
And the Thresher was launched
And the crew of the Thresher was sworn.
She was shaped like a tear
She was built like a shark
She was made to run fast and free.
And the builders shook their hands
And the builders shared their wine,
And thought that they had mastered the sea.
Yes, she'll always run silent
And she'll always run deep
Though the ocean has no pity
Though the waves will never weep
They'll never weep.
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А на улице ветер бросает в лицо колючую ледяную крошку. А мне нужно выйти, поехать на улицу Правды за учебниками. И опять я буду крутить по кругу две песни: The Tresher и The Men Behind The Guns.
А в восемь вечера - на генеральную репетицию куда-то на Древлянку...
Mic K.